Saturday, July 25, 2009

Breast Health is Personal

So someone very, very close to me has to have a double mastectomy. They caught pre-cancerous cells during a mammogram and have come to the conclusion that she is 4-6 times more likely to have cancer than normal. She called me a few months ago to remind me to get regular mammograms. It is a routine I have done for a few years now, and it only takes a few minutes. The race for the cure is real, advancements in breast cancer research are real and advancing fast, but no one knows why these cells turn radical.

I will be heading to Denver in the next month or two to take my honored turn at caring for her during this painful transition. I am so grateful she won't have to have chemo, or radiation.

Please check take care of your breasts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I like your blog, check out my website regarding breast health


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