Please note the coats. Yes, Daddy was unable to resist forking out the bucks once he saw this picture. What father could? I am happy to report that said coats are keeping warm the backsides of the two Minxes. One of the reasons we are overseas is so that we can help out the girls with school, even if it is only for a couple of years.

Jordan just celebrated her 20th birthday last weekend. She was born at the peak of winter in one of the snowiest days on record in West Michigan. However she is the sunshine of our lives. From the time she was able to smile, she did so constantly. She only cried when she was hurt and she never whined. Malaina was born in the Spring of the following year, and all she did for 3 months was cry. In fact all she did for 3 years was cry. I thought she was insane. I would lay in bed at night and cry to Dave that our daughter was crazy. Thank heaven it was just that her brain was too advanced for her speech skills. Once both were in sinc, she was and still is a DREAM CHILD.
Where did the years go? From the crib to the dorm...
from the baby to the college minx... life is good.
Oh, how I can relate! It's so amazing how fast time flies! You have amazing daughters (actually we both have amazing daughters!) and it's easy to see why you are so proud. They're beautiful!
I just love your family... I miss you guys when you leave. I can't wait until we see ya'll again. Hope things are going well. Tell the rest of the family you are with hello! Love Mandy
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