I have never gone through a sports season as a parent. Okay we did go through volleyball in Malaysia, but that was way different than here. Those Chinese High Schools had drill sergeants as coaches and really butch 16 year-old's playing our tiny little 13 year old American girls. And it was fun, but they always played at our American school because our gymnasium was only one of three enclosed gyms on the island, and few of their parents came to cheer them on, so we didn't get defensive. We went into the game knowing we would get spanked, and knowing that their coach would scream at the girls in Chinese, (probably very directly about our girls).
Dalat International School Gym. Open windows and right on the Indian Ocean, beach is about 100 feet out the window.

Jordan and Malaina played the radio and guitar respectively so, we didn't have any of their games to go through. But Christina is the one who likes sports. And more importantly, she is my baby! So, you can imagine my angst when she suffers losses and mess-ups. She is a team player and this year was quite an eye opener for me, for gentle readers, it seems that I suck as a parent. Here are a few reasons why...
- I typically have the biggest mouth on the home team. (Not a "good-ly" trait)
- I seem to be the only one who heckles the ump. (Also a "thou shalt not")
- I am the only parent who forgets which side her kid is playing on and sometimes root for the wrong team.
- My husband (Dave Jr.) can really yell at an ump, almost as good as Sparky Anderson or Billy Martin, and I am not ashamed!! (way to go Dave Sr., he learned from the best!)
- I yell at the other parents who criticize my kid.
- I didn't know that a batter can run for 1st on a 3rd strike if the catcher drops the ball!! (stupidest rule in the game). Therefore I lack knowledge of the damn sport.
- I hate the other parents on the opposing team who act like I do. I HATE them. (especially that fat cow....she knows who she is!)
- I didn't know I had so much hate in me?!? I had no idea it was there, festering beneath the sad shallow layer, that is my skin.
So, not to make this post ALL about me, I would like to congratulate the Provo City League Sunbirds for taking the city championship! Kudo's (not Kujo ) to Tad Walch and the girls!
Oh my gosh Mom! I was laughing so hard at work while I was reading this! :-) I especially love the mental picture I get comparing you to Kujo the rabid dog!
So, you're one of those moms!
Just kidding... believe it or not, I was one of those moms too when Jake first started soccer. He was so mortified so I tamed my ways. It's frustrating when your child works so hard and an ump (or referee) calls unfairly but the WORST is when another parent criticizes your child! That made me so mad!
Way to go Christina!!!
When Taylor was playing quarterback I had to sit in another section from the other parents. I hated hearing them yell at my son. And believe me they would yell and really bad stuff. When I sit in the stands I try to just be a vicarious cheerleader. Jared yells at the umps. I know I'm lame.
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