Thursday, June 05, 2008

Desperate Times Call for......

Has Jordan's love life come to this?

What the hell is she thinking?

Do you remember this "Bachelor" from about 4 years ago?

Well Jordan and I were farting around with my fancy camera again, and this is the primo cutting edge *&%# that we have to present for our troubles. We were watching VH1 while I was baking, and we saw some old reruns of "The Bachelor". We had so much fun taking these photos. Honestly, he is not that cute, but he is LOADED (not a Kennedy, but next best family...Firestone)! So that makes him that much more handsome in our superficial eyes.

I think Jordan can have a second career (or hello? first career) as a romance novel cover model!

If you are reading this"mind candy" of a post, I am sorry... and I will try to be more serious. But my life is anything but boring.


  1. "He's not that good looking, but he's LOADED..." very funny!

    Jordan, you are beautiful and hilarious!

  2. P.S.
    Jordan Firestone sounds like a name a romance novel model would have.

  3. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Hot Damn...we look pretty good together!

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I want to see the picture where he's looking at her and she's smiling


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