Saturday, September 20, 2008

Unspectacular Quirks

I have been tagged by Mandy to list my unspectacular quirks 6 of them:

  1. I hate when my family serves rice from the center of the pan. It has to be served from the sides and then work its way into the center very organized like.
  2. Washcloths have to be folded and stacked in the same identical order. I don't want open ends showing when they are stacked.
  3. I have to use "Natural Ice "brand lip balm on my lips at night, but after my drink of water, and before I put the earplugs in. I am freaking out because I think they have discontinued the manufacturing of it.
  4. I sleep with 4 pillows, no more, no less. Each pillow has a specific use and shape designed for optimal sleeping.
  5. If watched DVD's are not immediately put away, I feel the intense urge to crack them in half. Sometimes I do.
  6. I cannot sit down to relax unless I have a cookbook in my lap. I rarely make them same dish twice.
okay now I get to tag some of you. I tag Cari, Jared, Stacy, Blonde Duck, Prudence Pennywise, Tawna


  1. OH, I love your quirks. I'm the same way about my bedtime routine, except it's the peppermint foot lotion that has to be done just so for me. Also, I wouldn't be caught dead relaxing without a cookbook. I'll be thinking of some of my numerous quirks this week...

  2. OH, I love your quirks. I'm the same way about my bedtime routine, except it's the peppermint foot lotion that has to be done just so for me. Also, I wouldn't be caught dead relaxing without a cookbook. I'll be thinking of some of my numerous quirks this week...

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I also sleep with four pillows, so I understand!

  4. i'm laughing just thinking of you breaking dvd's !

    i'll have to wait to do my post on this. my internet isn't working right now (don't ask.) so I have to use lee's phone & it's a pain!

  5. Now that's a good tag/meme. I'm with you on #2 and #6, all the way. #1 makes me laugh.

  6. These crack me up! I love them and feel the same way about many of them. Thanks for sharing.


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