Monday, December 29, 2008

Grown-up Christmas

Gone are the days where our children wake us up at 6:00 am to see what Santa brought.
Dave and I woke up about 10:00 and we had to go wake up the girls to come upstairs and open presents.
But the 16 year old baby of the family was still thrilled to get a few Barbie accessories. This child loves Barbie more than any other girl I have ever seen. One time she told me.."Mom, I don't like Barbie, I LOVE Barbie". Here she is with her Doodle Pro, and off camera...a Barbie beanie and gloves.
Yes, we handled Christmas like grown ups this year. Our clutter was much more contained than usual.
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  1. Who doesn't love Barbie?

  2. 10:00! How would that be? No wonder they look so cute first thing in the morning! They get their beauty sleep.


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