Friday, July 24, 2009

LDS Living

LDS Living is not just the name of a magazine. (Here is a grouping of magazines that are typically found in ANY doctors office in Utah County.) You can click on the photo to enlarge it. I promise that I did not rearrange these for my picture. I like going into my doctor's office and asking about his missionary, or listening to him /her complain about their ward calling.

I also like that July 24 is a state holiday. It is when Brigham Young led the pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley and founded the frontier town that is now Salt Lake City. Here is one of our " sturdy pioneer stock", pictured below.

Tradition must be kept every year or how else can we eat our Pioneer Breakfast!??
This year was especially yummy. UUMM Bacon!!!
The good thing about Utah Valley is that most of us choose to live here. We like the life style, the culture, the opportunities and for me....that IS a good thing.


  1. I love living here! And I love the crazy boy with the pioneer hat too!

  2. I must admit, Utah has a culture of its own!! While on vaction in Utah, my Eastern US born and raised kids were in utter amazement to see on a WALMART shelf CTR rings and mormon novels for sale!


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