Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday is Family Day

This is a scene that has been too seldom at our house of late.
I was able to make a simple dinner and have my BYU freshman niece, Abigale over for dinner, and of course Brandon, Tiny's boyfriend.

If you look closely on the table there is a Godfather Trivia game. It allows players to put "hits" on each other. Abby found out all to scarily how competitive we are!

Sunday also brought our ward a new Relief Society Presidency. They thought I was eccentric to take photo's, but when their service is over, they will be happy for this photo.
And a fond thanks to Terri, who has served as our President for years, twice! She is show here on the left with her secretary AdreAnn


  1. I can't say I was surprised you took a picture. :)
    I look huge compared to the others. But thanks for taking it.

    It was good to see you all happy and out and about yesterday. I'm glad you're feeling a little bit better.

    I love your deck and all your trees!

  2. You would never guess, but I was totally pissed during that picture! Losing the Godfather trivia game???? WHAT THE????


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