Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Flat is Where it's AT

I rarely go out to eat as it is, so why not cook for my waistline?

Yes, you read it right. I rarely go out to eat. I just have a hard time finding really "foodie" type food in Provo. I picked up the Flat Belly Cookbook at Sam's Club last Friday and have cooked from it ever since for every single meal. I am on day 4 and I have lost an inch off my waist. My clothes fit better, and I do not feel deprived.

Now let me digress a bit. I like to eat things like Pesto, nuts, avocados, corn tortillas, eggs, hummus, beans, rice, salsa, Asian and Indian food, pasta, etc... I like ingredients like shallots, garlic, basil, goat cheese, edemame, olive oil, lemons etc. So as I read through this book in the store, I liked the recipes; all of my favorite ingredients were in there (A big fat missing ingredient is BUTTER, but ya gotta let something go) . I cook for a vegetarian, and there are many, many vegetarian recipes in there as well. For instance tomorrow's breakfast is Eggs Florentine with Sun-dried Tomato Pesto, turkey bacon (no bacon for Tiny) and fresh squeezed orange juice. It will be eaten with gusto after I get off my "machine".By the way I have estimated 3000+ miles on my machine. I love it.

So I am not on a diet!!! I am not on a diet!!! I am not on a diet!!! The minute my brain thinks I am on a diet-- I fail. I am just cooking from this new cookbook very regularly. If and when I need to eat chocolate covered cinnamon bears and movie theater popcorn, I will do so without hesitation.


  1. That's awesome! It sounds like a great cookbook.
    Where do you get your edemame?

  2. Inspirational as always! You go girl...and one of these days I will follow!


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