Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Long Live the Queen

A tragic thing happened to us today. Our family member of 11 years died of pneumonia. Sugar has been a part of our lives for so long. She has been all over the world, and has fascinated dozens of people with her beauty, personality and girth. We are all in tears at our house, this special cat talked to us, loved us and she let us love her.

Please watch this special memorial to our dearest pet.


  1. A couple of those photos were calendar material! My heart goes out to you and yours. Our first pet and awesome cat, Socks, is now 17 years old, looks absolutely like a walking bag of bones, but his personality is still SO strong, and as long as he still gets around, I don't have the heart to put him down. It will be a horribly sad day for everyone when it comes. So far, he keeps on keeping on!

    Peace to your family . . .

  2. I'm so sorry! Sugar was awesome.


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