Friday, September 18, 2009

Pasta Caprese is Easy Peasy!!!

I know, I know, I was supposed to use my new skillet and post about it. But, I got carried away by this most awesome of awesome "almost no cook" pasta dish.

Do you have an excess of :
  • tomatoes?
  • belt holes in your belt?
  • taste buds that need exercise?
  • bored brain cells?
  • children who turn their nose up at anything?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions.....well then let's just get on with the fun!

Simply whisk together:
the juice from 2 lemons,
1/4 cup of Extra Virgin olive oil,
1 finely minced clove of garlic
And a minced shallot. Add some salt and pepper and then add 1 1/2 pounds of chopped fresh tomatoes to the vinaigrette.

Let these marinate for no more than 45 minutes at room temperature or until you complete the following:

Dice 12 ounces of FRESH mozzarella cheese. Put it on a plate and freeze for 10 minutes.
Cook 1 pound of tubular pasta, such as ziti, rigatoni, penne etc. in salted water. Drain, and add to the tomatoes, add the semi frozen cheese. Wait 5 minutes then stir in a handful of chopped fresh basil, adjust seasonings with salt, pepper, or sugar. EEEAATTT

The folks at Cook's Illustrated are responsible for my expanding waist line. They really are.

There is no excuse for my lack of a photo here. Except to say. We pigged out and ate this before we thought to photograph. Oink. Okay, I thought to photograph, but I didn't care, and I was afraid they would eat it all gone before I could snap the shot and claim my share.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds amazingly good and I love your excuse for not having a pic. I've done that before too. :)


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