Saturday, October 24, 2009

So it was Opera Night

Svetlana (also known as Malaina), Jordan and Me have season tickets to the Salt Lake Symphony and Opera.

Last night was Macbeth (also known as "Guilt will Kill Ya") Those of you who have never read Shakespeare's Macbeth, well in a nut shell it is a power-trip by Lady and Lord Macbeth to take the Scottish throne. Guilt eats them alive and they go insane with guilt and eventually die. Utah Opera did a really good job of Verdi's Macbeth. The tenor who played McDuff was very weak sounding however. The costuming was really clever, and I told the girls they should go as "wenches" for Halloween.
We Glad girls always, always go out to eat on Symphony night. We like to try new restaurants that we have never gone to before. Tonight was Thai Lotus, 212 E 500 S. SLC, UT. Well, I always order everything HOT, as in spicy HOT, and at Thai Lotus, they burned all my taste buds down to little nubs. I was sweating, and in lots of pain, but the food was awesome. We had Som Tam (green papaya salad) their version was missing the dried shrimps, too bad. Then we had Ginger Beef, umm.., Then came the Pad Thai, and the Green Curry Chicken. All were very, excellent. I love Thailand and the beautiful men dancers; all the best female dancers are men impersonating women. The most beautiful woman Dave ever saw was a man dressed as a Thai dancer.
I am the second most beautiful woman he ever saw.

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