Thursday, November 19, 2009

Corny Craft Idea

Do you need a cute little craft idea for your Thanksgiving table? Consider this darling Indian Corn favor.
You need:
  • Reese's Pieces (large bags are at Sam's Club)
  • Food service disposable gloves (see if Subway will give you half a dozen)
  • 1 package corn husks (In the Mexican foods section of your grocery store)
Soak the corn husks for about 2 hours in cool water and drain or pat dry before use. Cut the fingers off the food service gloves. Fill the fingers with candy, leaving a bit of space to twist them closed and tie them off with a piece of corn husk. Add corn husk as a wrap around or just tear strips off and tie them to the top.

  • Thin husks work best
  • The thinner your strips are the cuter they will curl.
  • The ties will get very tight once they dry.

Please leave remarks if you like this. Our little Activity Day girls who are all 8-9 loved this and made dozens in under an hour.


  1. Very cute idea!

  2. This is a cute idea! As for your bakelite buttons, you could sell some on eBay (I hear they are quite collectable with the vintage seamstress set), and with the rest, you could make barrettes or headbands(don't use a glue-gun, use the E-6000 brand glue from a craftstore). I would probably make a windchime out of them to hang on a sunporch, or sew them onto a Christmas stocking.
    Have fun!

  3. You domestic goddess you! Love it!

  4. P.S. Pidgestar is me, Emily Balling

  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Soooo cute!!! Thanks for sharing your darling craft!!!


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