Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Headline: Glad for Color

Mild Autumn Brings Wild Color to the Glad Home

"Due to the mild Autumn in Provo, Utah, many of nature's bounty is going through a revival of color," says Mrs. Glad at her west side Provo home. Mrs. Glad credits Mr. Glad's thoughtful planning of his spring plantings of annuals and perennials at the start of the growing season. "We cannot recall a more amazing floral growing season as this one!" stated Mrs. Glad. "I mean the size of this pansy was a shocking surprise when I saw it this afternoon."

Mrs. Glad loves to remind everyone of the amazing miniature roses that came from a sad part of the local Smith's grocery store. She says they took off after her putting them is a very sunny part of the garden. She rarely has to dead head them and they just bloom as fast as they can. "They have quadrupled in size!" exclaimed Glad, "I even revived one that my daughter had nearly killed at her office desk." she laughs.
Mrs. Glad thinks the secret to her lovely garden is the downward slope for drainage, and the strong western sun, for color and re-bloom.
"African daisy's are available in many colors, and they have bloomed for us from Spring to Summer this season." Mrs Glad could hardly believe these daisies kept blooming even after a killing frost, well into November. "I mean, here we are 2 weeks from Thanksgiving and my daisies are having a revival,"chuckled Glad. "Thank heaven, we have been too busy to put our garden to bed this season, or we would have missed all this wonderful color!"
Mrs. Glad wants to remind readers to let leaves rest on the garden bed, to mulch and provide ample insulation to tender plants over the winter.

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