Monday, November 02, 2009

Who is sick of...

Gail Simmons from Top Chef? Her comments are so boring and her boobs are too "out there". Padma is almost on my s..t (short) list too.

The New York Yankees? They are so arrogant and their stadium ain't that great. A.Rod is a cheater, and for someone who takes steroids, you would think he would have a deeper voice than Tiny does. Yes, I am a sore loser.

Sarah Palin? Tell me again, what is her claim to fame? Didn't she quit her job that she was supposed to be so good at?

Buy American or you suck campaigns? That Chevy dealership in Salt Lake advertises their cars draped in the American Flag. Sorry GM, you should have listened back in the 70's, when everyone wanted you to fix quality, and you turned a deaf ear.I don't know what kinda car this is, but it's ugly.

Mary Murphy? Lady, can you please quit the show, so I can start watching? Listen up producers..put a sock in her already!

Glad Housewife? She ain't to glad today is she? Maybe I need to make some more of those piggy cupcakes and eat them by myself.


  1. Dafoo8:39 AM

    You go's fun to listen (read) to you rant and rave.

  2. I totally agree! Even though I think A Rod is really hot and I might be slightly in love with Derek Jeter....

  3. If you make the cupcakes will you save me one?

  4. Dave...yes I know.
    Jordan..Jonny Damon

  5. haha I kind of love how your family leaves comments on your blog when you all live under the same roof.


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