Sunday, December 27, 2009

Aloha and Mahalo Hawaii

I will let the photo's speak for themselves!


  1. Looks like you had a great time! I bet it was hard to come back to reality.

  2. The tan looks fabulous! Good to have you home!

  3. Welcome back! How did you leave the beautiful weather?

  4. Love the pictures. You all remind me of us on vacations...making wonderful family memories! Your girls are all so darling. (You and Dave are pretty cute too.)

  5. Just sent my husband back to work there this morning and I will meet up with him this weekend for our anniversary! I recognized many of those places and just seeing the pictures makes excited to get to the sand and warm weather again! Hopefully I can get caught on some of my blogging while I am there. It looks like you had fun!


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