Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Give-away on the Glad's Decorations Dilema

Yes, the Glad's will be off to the sunny isle of Oahu in just a few short days, does this mean I won't have to put up my tree? Or take the cute as a button Autumn pumpkins off my porch? By a show of hands, you faithful few who still visit here at this blog, comment: Decorate or not to Decorate.
Leave a good comment and you will win a free subscription to Entertainment Weekly.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I vote NO...because I'm the sucker that has to put the stuff up and take it down :))

  2. Nicola in England12:43 PM

    Long time reader, first time commenter! And yes, yes, yes to putting up the decorations. Put on a cheesy Christmas movie, get some snacks in for the whole family and make an evening of it. Oahu will be fantastic, but a family decorating night just can't be beaten.

  3. I say half and half.... Put up some decorations because they are fun and help everyone to feel the spirit of Christmas. But no Christmas tree, it's too much of a P.I.T.A.

  4. Go for half and half! Besides unless you plan to be in Oahu on Christmas day, it will be nice to come home to a festive home. And if you plan to be in Oahu on Dec 25, forget the decorating and come take me with you instead!

  5. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I've been reading your blog since you've started it and I love it.
    And no, you'll be wasting your time.


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