Friday, January 15, 2010

Forever Home

Last weekend Jordan and I snuck away for an awesome weekend to Best Friends. We have come out of mourning for our darling Sugar, and we all felt it was time to adopt 2 new kitties. I feel 2 cats for our family is best, because they can play with each other when we are gone, and if something happens to one of them, one of them is still left to love.

The reason I chose Best Friends to adopt from is because they are a no kill shelter, and I am a member. Unless an animal comes in, in unsurvivable condition, they will rehabilitate and keep the cat in a cattery, like the one shown below. All these cats have free access to indoor and outdoor rooms.

It is located in Kanab, and between them and the BLM they own 43,000 acres that look like this!

The cats are cared for by wonderful cat lovers like the ones in this photo. Our cat Keegan is being loved and bid adieu by these nice people who came in especially just to see him off. The caregivers are angels on earth caring for and loving God's creatures. Some of the conditions some of these cats were found in were deplorable. Some have been beaten, starved, crammed in cages, or abandoned. So when one of their cats is adopted into a Forever Home, it is bittersweet for them. They truly love the cats, and are sad to see them leave, but soooo happy they are going home.
Keegan the gray cat was found in a deserted barn by the US Forest Service along the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. They brought him to Best Friends. The Forest Service thinks he was in that barn for a few days without food or water. Best Friends takes the cat, isolates him for 2 weeks, is given medical care then neutered. He is then put in with the other cats and watched to see how well he integrates. Keegan was thought to be about 8-9 months old. He was a favorite of the caregivers and a loving and sweet boy.
Dean, the orange tabby, was abandoned when he was about 10 days old. He had lots of problems, but was lovingly cared for and socialized and has the most adorable face. It has been fun to welcome these two new boys into our family. We are they type of family who needs pets. The girls and I especially love cats. So thanks goes out to our BEST FRIENDS who rescued these cats so we could bring them home to live with us for many, many years.
This is not a Happy Ending...this is just the Beginning of Happily Ever After.


  1. They are gorgeous! I was raised with cats and love them...Bill, however, doesn't feel the same way. Hooray for you.

  2. I've been to Best Friends many times. They are about 30 min. from my parents house. I know you are a cat person but, there's a show called 'DogTown' ( that talks about Best Friends efforts with dogs. Enjoy the new kitties!

  3. They are really cute. Dean likes to bite my toes. Keegan runs away from me.


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