Monday, February 01, 2010

Jazz-tastic Time!!

Look...Life goes on. Wow! Steve and Dana Daly, old and dear friends from early Intel days invited us to go with them to the Jazz game tonight. Boy, did we need that!!!
The burdens of late, have been postponed at least for now. This is a great photo of me and Dave, the sweetest, studliest guy in the whole arena!!!
Dana is one of those girlfriends that you can say anything to. Nothing is off limits! We first met about 15 years ago when our husbands were financial analysts at Intel in American Fork. We all went to lunch at McDonald's and the rest is history.

Dave now works for Steve at Landesk. They also work out every morning at the gym and they plan on making a big REVEAL of their efforts in the Spring.

Now anyone who knows me and reads this blog, knows I do not go to an event without posting a people watching picture. These ones were too good not to post here. "Way to go, not so hot guy, getting the blond lady to smile at you."
Hope you can see the fun in these photos. It was so nice to spend some rare time with these friends. I appreciate all they have done for us, and the love and care they show.


  1. Looks like so much fun! Aren't friends the best! Too bad for us that you beat the DALLAS Mavs!

  2. Awh...thanks Cindy! We just love you guys. You are those kind of friends who we always feel comfy with--even though it might have been awhile since we last hung out. You make me happy :)


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