Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tiny Tennis Player

 I need to give props to my youngest child.  She is starting her senior year at Provo High this fall.  She has excellent grades, and is so nice and kind to all she meets.  I appreciate her special smile and attitude she brings to our home.  Her father and I trust her in all she does.  She is taking 2 classes at UVU this summer and is really enjoying all her new friends from this program she is doing. They just went to Donovan's Chop House  in  SLC,  the chef created a special beautiful vegetarian plate just for her. Christina is an active member of PETA and has been a vegetarian since she was 14. (almost 4 years)  I love that we both love to catalog shop together.  We just got 2 great big boxes in the mail filled with shoes, jeans, shirts, sunglasses, and skirts.  We love popcorn, and no bake cookies too.

She loves to head bang with her dad.  They have Kiss tickets for October.  Her newest form of entertainment is Ghost Stories on TV.  The Game Show Network, and I Almost Died, on the Biography channel.  We spent all of tonight watching the Bio channel about Motley Crue, Guns and Roses, and Tommy Lee.  When the US Open starts in August, we will spend hours upon hours watching tennis.  Christina loves Roger Federer, and Raphel Nadal.  We watched many hours of FIFA World Cup and Christina loves, loves, loves, all the beautiful Latino men. Her cute boyfriend is half Mexican. So he is Latino enough for her.

Christina has her faults, she does not care for little children.  She has no patience for racisits, or people who waste her time at school by not trying hard.  She has some anger when she drives, and sometimes uses bad language.  But by far, her good out weighs her bad.  She is a good Laurel President of the YW in our ward.  She was a YCL at camp this year and really grew close with the Stake leaders.  I love you Christina.


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Awwww, thanks mommy:)

  2. It was fun to catch up with the Gaddis' today. Christina you are beautiful! Thanks for sending us Malena's gorgeous announcement, too. Your family is so accomplished and talented! Can't believe you'll be empty nesters before too long. Wow!


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