Thursday, August 12, 2010

If you do nothing else with this blog today, please watch the video I have linked above.  
It is so typical of Dave's and my relationship. We have just eaten Mexican food and we need the tums that Malaina has packed away, in the back of the U-haul.  We locate them and Dave trouble getting the sliding door down.  He is fighting and cussing trying to put the trailer door down.  I  suggest he move one piece of a box that is sticking out and say, "I think all you need to do is move this piece of box."  He says sarcastically,  "Oh is that all I Need to DO?",  See for yourself.

We got lots of honks and thumbs up by people who passed us on the way to California with this sign on our tail.
Her apartment is so cute.  She has cute Ikea furniture and, rugs etc.  I love the private stairway and her cute wall hanging that we got in Cambodia.  The view of the courtyard shows her door over her shoulder.  Her apartment is the back of the building on the upstairs.  It was hard to say good bye, but she is an adult and she deserves all the best.  Good for you Malaina!


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