Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Day in the Life of My Scientist

Malaina needs to use big girl words now that she is an official Ph.D grad student.  Malaina works in the lab of a really famous Dr. , only I can't remember his name.  She is fortunate that she only has two classes, but they are extremely hard!!!  Like in the 700's hard.

Malaina works in an amazing time for scientific advancement.  She tried several times to explain it to me, but I only got the gist.

I like how Malaina has to use her special id to use the elevator and get into buildings.  It is super top secret.

Malaina is growing e-coli bacteria, very hush-hush.

Malaina wears a white lab coat and everything!  She uses those tools like they do on CSI.

And here is Malaina's corner of  the lab.  They gave her a small desk with a real computer of her very own to use!  I love that.  They care about my girl.

She told me not to touch anything or I would get cancer.  I did not touch!!!


  1. I love this! It is so awesome to see Malaina all dressed up in her coat!

  2. Tell Malaina she needs to blog too!!!

  3. ha ha I like it :) I'm more excited about having my own bench in the lab than having a computer space though.


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