Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grads are Glad

As difficult as it might be to contemplate this mega movie visionary, and petty tyrant was also a philanthropist to the USC Keck School of Medicine. Not many people have not seen a MGM movie or heard a song by the recording branch of that empire; but, I wonder how many of us have benefited from the people who learned at this school, and have gone on to teach others what they know?

 Well, my daughter and her friends shown here, are a few of the new generation learning at this school.  Right now Malaina and her friends are worrying about their next and final rotations before they pick a specialty to study and attain their Ph.D's.  Come on kids, you have one more day!

I find it interesting that at any level of academia, there is a beginner class.  When you are a senior in High School, woman, you are the queen.  You have the best lockers, best parking, a Senior courtyard, etc.  But even in Medical School, there is pecking order.  The Grad School kids are relegated to the window seats and the farthest away parking lots.  The other more advanced students have their seats at better tables and covered parking.
Do you remember the "Friends" episode where Ross and Joey worked at the same museum, but because of their status, they pretended they didn't know each other, or eat at the same table.  Ha!  It is kind of the same thing at the USC Medical School cafeteria.  I got a kick out of that.

Malaina is working at a lab located in the USC School of Pharmacy.  The lab and the Professor of the group are trying to localize hormones and genes in women that cause Alzheimer's.  I am sure there is more to it than that explanation, but I write what I understand.

I am so grateful that my daughter has used her brains to excel in the Medical field.  Thanks to USC for picking a super great girl to give an education to.  Blessedly she is thriving with good friends, and not killing herself too bad yet.  Right now she does not have to do much writing or any publishing, but that is coming.  Malaina is an excellent author, but she tends to procrastinate, I hope she keeps it to herself.  I might stress too much when I eventually hear the anxiety in her voice when she calls home.  Then there might be no Glad sleeping at my house!


1 comment:

  1. Such great girls you have, my dear! I am so impressed with Malaina! You go girl!


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