Thursday, May 05, 2011

Christina + work = Amazing

Okay, I cannot hold back my bragging rights anymore.  I do not want to post it on Facebook, but I can do it here.

Christina will be graduating here in about 3 weeks.  She has worked so hard during high school to get good grades.  She has received the Presidential Multicultural Scholarship from Southern Utah University.  A four year merit based award.  Yes!  Payoffs at last!

She is graduating with High Honors!  A much deserved reward.  She was involved for several years in sports too.  It was not easy and sometimes the coaches were very difficult, but she stuck with it and gave it her all, and is a much loved teammate to her friends.

Christina earned her Young Womanhood Recognition Award in 9th grade.  She loved working on all the goals. She finished all 6 years at Young Woman's Camp and came to dearly love and be loved by the Stake Leaders.  She and her boyfriend Brandon have become dear friends and respect each other and their values very much.  We love and trust them both to make good decisions.

I think for me, the greatest achievement for Christina is the fact that she is going to be a Seminary Graduate.  Having gone through early morning seminary myself, I know that the only difficulty to getting there is not wanting to get up!  But at PHS, Seminary is held during the day.  The temptations to skip are many!  As, one can imagine, boyfriends, homework, long lunches, 

etc... seem to make it easy to skip Seminary.  She made up lots of days missed because of sickness, etc, and her dedication to Seminary has helped her to grow by leaps and bounds. Our Stake Young Women's president has recommended Christina to be one of 2 youth speakers at graduation, the other coming from the Young Men.  Christina had to be vetted and approved by Stake leaders.  She is the most outstanding woman I have ever met.   Other than her two older sisters, that is.


  1. She IS amazing!!! You have every reason to proud! Congrats on the scholarship and I'm looking forward to hearing her speak at Seminary graduation. Well done on raising three outstanding ladies! :)

  2. You and Dave should have had many more children. You raise them so well! Congrats to Christina on being such a great girl! It is so fun to hear of kids being successful.

  3. You have every right to be a proud momma! I am grateful to have had a few peeks into your lives over the past year to "know" your girls just a little bit. They are each so individual, but each so confident and strong in who they are.


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