Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why do you think I am Glad????

(If you click on the above link, you will go to a really cool blog.  I think you might be interested in navigating yourself to this spot when you find yourself in Los Angeles.)

I didn't want to bother the other diners at the diner by using a flash here, so hence the grainy photos.  When this burger came to the table, I almost sent it back.  I had no idea how I would get my mouth around it, but I tasted an onion ring and kept the plate close by.  I have discovered that my mouth is plenty big enough to handle this burger.  (And as my friends know, plenty big enough to handle most any situation.)

I am glad because the food here was so yum, and affordable.

This is some sort of weird dessert that Malaina ordered.  When I go out to dinner, I always order a dessert that is different from my companion diner, then I can eat different desserts.

I ordered this homemade strawerry pop-tartI HAVE to find the recipe and create it at home,  it was delish!!! The chef nailed the icing, sprinkles and then topped it off with dehydrated strawberries

So Malaina's good friend Lisa knows L.A. like the back of her hand.  Every single neighborhood and just about every single restaurant, or diner, so thanks Lisa for carting us around!!!

Go to this restaurant if you:
  • don't mind a handsome/grungy tattooed, slightly stoned waiter.
  • a dark dingy homely street.
  • like good food.
  • want to hear scary people fighting with each other.
  • appreciate street musicians.  (We talked to a guy who played drums Miles Davis.)
  • enjoy a noisy, fun, interesting, vintage diner!!!

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