Friday, November 13, 2009

Quick but NEVER Tired

I never ever get tired of a good quick bread. Here are a few tips for quick bread success.

  1. Follow the recipe exactly. Baking is a science, that being said I don't understand the following rule, but just trust me it works...
  2. If you live in high altitude 4,000 feet or higher, like I do add 3 Tablespoons of flour and 1/2 teaspoon less baking soda or powder to your dry ingredients.
  3. Dust your berries/chips in flour or they will sink to the bottom of the loaf.
  4. Quick breads almost always taste better the next day.
  5. Quick breads slice better when room temperature.
  6. Hand mix, unless the recipe directs, or your bread will be tough.

To get your recipe for the best pumpkin bread in town, follow the links below. Comment and tell Nancy, Cynthia's Blog sent you!
Autumn Pumpkin Cranberry Quick Bread
Nancy Baggett


  1. Hey, that looks just great. I've never baked that bread in a fancy pan, but now will have to try it. Really dresses up the look.

  2. Great tips -- thanks! I LOVE the pan! Where did you get that?

  3. The fancy pan was a closeout at William's Sonoma catalog last season and so affordable I am embarrassed to say how cheap I bought it for. But you are welcome to borrow it.


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