Saturday, November 14, 2009

These Little Piggies.....

......Went to Royal Nails 8

Between us 4 girls we have had HUNDREDS of mani/pedi's. Royal Nails 8 in Pleasant Grove is the best in the valley. Ask for Deedee, Kim or Kimberly. (801) 796-0907
This is a luxury no woman will do without once you have gone.... ever. Our first Pedi's were in Malaysia years ago, and we used to go almost weekly because they were so affordable. Now during the Summer, we go every two/three weeks, and in the Winter maybe once a month. Okay, maybe I go twice a month.


  1. I'm a huge fan of pedi's...I tend to be boring, however...always "French". How fun to have an American rather than a Vietnamese gal who sits and speaks to her fellow workers in their native tongue...

  2. oh..all our girls are Vietnamese! The all talk to us and we include them in the conversations. Share recipes, hear about school. We tip good, so we get extra massage.

  3. We are soooo obsessed with feet.

  4. Don't you have a paper to write?

  5. You can tell which foot is mine... the whitest one!


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