Friday, March 19, 2010

Hair Matters

My hair had gotten so long that I was ready to cut it myself. My hairdresser is popular, she is always booked a few weeks out. I was calling, and emailing for a mercy appointment, but it wasn't going to happen.

Finally the day came. Everyone was coming home with pretty hair cuts and color except me

Here is Malaina at a guitar ensemble performance. Note the pretty hair.

Now just look at the new colors of these two lovelies.

I especially like the fire engine red of this sunset photo of Jordan.

Christina looks great as a brunette with blond tips. Just a fabulous cut and color.

Jordan is outraged that I took a picture of her en deshabille' at the Courtyard in St. George last weekend.

And here is the magician, my friend and hairdresser Suzanne Benson Saleem.
You can reach her at the Haven Salon here :
359 W 100 S Provo, UT 84601

1 comment:

  1. I like that picture of Jordan at St. George. She doesn't look happy.


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