Wednesday, March 10, 2010

YouTube - Bon Jovi Living on a Prayer

So it has been almost a month since my last post. I feel I owe and explanation.

Number One. I don't like to post without pictures.

Number Two. My camera got wet.

Number Three. My life has been empty without the camera.

Number Four. And my life has been kinda boring lately.....but

Now that she is fixed and perfect. And now that I have a cool video to post The Glad Housewife is reborn!!!!
YouTube - Bon Jovi Living on a Prayer
Click on the highlighted text above to watch my video.

All good readers of this corny blog know that I am a nut for Jon Bon Jovi. (with good reason, he's a fox) But, he is really an awesome performer. As this amateur video can attest. You will notice people of all ages in this video. On lady was there with her granddaughter. Very nice.

Dave gave me this awesome concert as a Valentine gift, and we really made a weekend out of it. He withdrew money from savings, for me to play with and spend, took me to Wolfgang Puck to eat, and got us a room at the Luxor. What a man.

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  1. Awesome! I'm so glad you had a great time. He is beautiful!

  2. I love Bon Jovi. It's good you finally saw him.


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