Thursday, May 01, 2008

Confessions of a Foodie

Macey's is my favorite grocery store. It is not the most convenient though is it? I wish it could trade places with Albertson's. One of my favorite past-times is reading the food ads. I subscribe to the paper for the Macey's food ad and the coupons.(I am cleansing my soul, by finally confessing my secret addiction.) I am probably the last person to know, but I couldn't believe how easy it was this week to plan my shopping.Normally, I sit down with about a dozen of my recent favorite cookbooks and various recipes I have copied from the Internet, and then I write down the items I need to purchase for the weekly menu I have created. THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE THINGS TO DO!! When people ask me about my hobbies, I am ashamed to admit that I love to plan menus and shopping lists, so I lie and say, "crafts". Why the heck do you think I am so fat? My life revolves around food; in every single aspect!! Reading about it, (600 cookbooks), cooking it (fancy appliances and gizmos), now I am admitting:
I love to shop for it.
(Any Grocery Store).
Somebody out there is reaching for the phone, right now, to call the mental hospital up the street to have me committed. (Ask my mother... all my life.. loved the store.) Okay, back to the shopping. You can go to
and they will take you to a cool html of the current Provo store ad, where all you have to do is grab the item you want and it will create a shopping list for you. You can even put in any other ingredients, and you can select the coupons you want to use and they will price it for you.

Now if we can only get a Wholefood's Market in Provo....


Cari said...

I say they build a Macey's in the vacant lot by Subway.

Cynthia's Blog said...

They would make a KILLING!

Queen Bee said...

Would you please tell Maceys they need to expand a little and start a store out here in Ohio!? We sure miss that store. And out where we live we don't even get those food ads. I never thought I would miss them but I do.

Queen Bee said...

ps. my husband says he would love to be able to buy larger than a 5 lb bag of flour. If you ask for a bigger one here they just look at you funny and say, "Why? We'll always be here for you to buy more!"

The Jordanian Princess said...

It's true, she sits in the same spot on the couch each night... all of her cookbooks surrounding her like little children. I don't complain...I eat good! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are surely my best friend!I do the exact same thing, though I plan for two weeks. Do you have Tangy Tart, Hot & Sweet cookbook by Padma? Today I made halibut fish tacos & quatro leches cake for cinco de mayo, yummy!! Do you like cooking classes, Macy's has them for free too!

Heather said...

So, do you get Martha Stewart's Food magazine in the mail? It's awesome. You must be an incredible cook. I actually love to cook, but I hate the planning part. If you would just plan it all out for me, that would be great!
